We're all set

We found our set, and are all set to start filming ASAP. Because Ben's father is a realtor he was able to recommend us a property with a pretty bare-bones garage. Below is an image of how our setting appeared when we first found it.

After we decided this garage would be our set, it was time for a makeover! We brought in a chair where the protagonist would wake up next to, and a collection of items we scattered around the room and wrote our names on for the credit sequence. However, once we arrived with the stuff, I noticed the large barren board in the background and had an interesting idea. Because, our film takes place in the secret hideout of a pair of murderers, I though it would be extremely creepy and fitting if we were to print out pictures of some of the "victims" and pin them on the board. Ben immediately agreed, and we drove back home in order to make this idea a reality. After making it to Ben's house, we printed several images of the 17 young children who had gone missing (we changed our original idea from teens to children, as we planned to act in our own film and it would seem more likely for a pair of young murders to target children younger than them). Afterwards, myself, Ben, and our friend Sam helped to decorate the images by adding information about their age and addresses as well as smearing the images in fake blood. Next, we drove back to our set, duct taped the pictures to the wall and our setting was complete.

A few of the items we placed on the floor

The board of victims we created


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