Group Meetings

This week I was assigned a group of 6 other students, and had time to critique the progress they have made on their portfolio projects as well as receive feedback on my own. In regards to my project, I explained to them the plot of our film and what we hope to accomplish through out film opening.  By projecting my computer on a big screen, I was able to guide them through my blog and discuss our specific choices. One major question that arose was how we plan to find the creepy, abandoned garage where we plan to film. While we are still attempting to find the right place, Ben's father is a realtor and told us he would be able to show us a few uninhabited properties that could work for our film. In addition, the group gave me a few suggestions, first and foremost would be to include a few lines of dialogue that could help indicate the protagonist has lost his memory and his unaware of his surroundings. Because the protagonist is alone in the room, somebody suggested that we should incorporate the dialogue as his inner thoughts. I think this is a really good idea as it would create a more dynamic scene and give our character his own voice. Whether we include dialogue as the character speaking to himself, or as an insight on his mind, I believe simple lines questioning the situation such as "Where am I?" can add greatly to the mystery we want to create.


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